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How to Keep Your Dog Warm and Safe this Winter

How to Keep Your Dog Warm and Safe this Winter

How to Keep Your Dog Warm and Safe this Winter

It might surprise you to know that dogs can actually feel the cold just as much as we do. Don’t let that shaggy coat fool you into thinking your dog will be warm when he steps outside a warm cosy house into a bitter north wind.

Obviously, some breeds have a warmer coat than others. Also, older dogs feel the cold more keenly than younger dogs who can bound around to keep themselves warm.

To make life easier for you and your dog, Slickers Doghouse has compiled some great products to help keep your dog toasty when he or she’s out in the cold and wet weather this winter.

Dog Coats

Dog coats

A good quality dog coat will make your best friend love you even more. Ideally, the coat should fit from the collar to the base of the tail with some covering over the belly. Nobody likes a cold wet undercarriage so a waterproof coat will keep your dog warm and dry no matter what the weather throws at him or her.

Slickers Doghouse has a great selection of coats to suit every style and size of dog, be it an urban or a rural hound. We recommend you taking your dog for walks during the warmest part of the day but if this isn’t possible, we have a reflective coat that is perfect for those quick night time winter walkies.

See our range of dog coats >

Dog Slings

Dog slings

Here at Slicker’s Doghouse we recognise that not every dog can walk for miles and especially so if you have a small pup. For this reason we created the waterproof dog sling. This handy item sits snugly round your waist with extra shoulder support so you can pop your dog in when he’s getting shivery or exhausted. Your dog will be grateful for the extra help, plus your body heat will be an added bonus to warming him or her up!

We’ve usefully created the slings in a range of sizes so that you can effortlessly carry your small or medium sized dog for ages without getting back and shoulder strain thrown into the bargain. A handy rain cover will seal the deal as far as your dog is concerned - it might be hard to get them back out and walking again!

See our range of dog slings >

Dog Beds and Blankets

Dog beds and blankets

Size doesn’t matter when it comes to your dog bed as your dog will use the available space to keep themselves warm. Our dog beds come in a range of sizes to suit anything from a Chihuahua to a Great Dane.

If they’re lying on a stone or tiled floor, we recommend using an extra snuggle blanket during the coldest winter months to absorb some of the chill. For terriers who like to really burrow into their beds, we have a terrier tunnel, which is more like a sleeping bag for dogs.

See our range of dog beds and blankets >

Dog Drying Coat

Dog drying coat 

Even with the best of intentions your dog may still throw himself into ponds, puddles and the sea when they’re out and about. Even if the thermometer is dipping near zero, your dog won’t factor this in when he loves a good splash. For this reason it’s good to have a drying coat handy which you can wrap him up in.

It’s double thickness cotton towelling can wrap around your dog in seconds and is held tight by a handy velcro fastener. There’s no need for any rubbing down as the towel will do the job better than you can! Slickers Doghouse has varying sizes of drying coats so it’s ideal for any dog size, great or small.

See our dog drying coats >

Dog Care

Dogs can pick up salt, ice and snow in the darkest winter months. Toxic substances such as antifreeze can find its way in between their pads so we recommend you wash off your dog’s paws when she comes in from the cold.

Bathing indoors is also something that should be added into your winter dog care to ensure all possible toxins are safely removed. Our range of dog fur care will have your dog smelling fresh as a daisy despite it being January outside.

See our dog care products >

With these handy tips we’ve compiled your dog will breeze through the cold winter months without a shivery whimper.

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