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Grooming your dog at home

Grooming your dog at home

Slickers Doghouse gives you an easy method for grooming your dog at home, so your four legged friend stay happy and healthy.

Making the decision to become a dog owner is no easy task. It’s not like buying a new pair of shoes, or deciding what to have for lunch. It takes considerable thought, thorough research and a realistic understanding of such responsibility. But once that decision is made, it’s one you make for life, and a great one at that! Along with the long walks, hours of play, companionship, and love that come from being a dog owner, you also get the mammoth task of grooming your dog at home. Not as fun as the play time, but it doesn’t have to be a chore. Slickers Doghouse is here to help make things a little easier. Regardless of what breed of dog you have, grooming them at home can and should be a simple, enjoyable process for both of you. 

Grooming tips for short-haired dogs

Whilst short-haired dogs don’t shed as much as their long-haired companions, they still need constant grooming. To keep their coat lush and knot free. We recommend our Pet Teezer Puppy Brush, as it is great for short-haired dogs thanks to the bristle-like teeth of the brush itself. Short-haired dogs don’t have much protection from their fur, so this one is nice and soft on their skin. It will also help spread natural oils across the coat, giving it a nice shine.

Pet Teezer

If your dog is a little averse to such a brush, then why not try the Slickers Jelly Scrubber Brush. This one is ideal to get out when your dog is in the tub, thanks to its double-sided scrubber. Both sides are perfect for working in the conditioner, giving your pooch a wonderful massage and getting out any little knots in the fur. This also helps the circulation and removal of any loose hairs.

Jelly Scrubber Brush

Grooming your dog from home is a bonding experience for both of you, whilst short-haired dogs may not need it as often it’s a great opportunity to spend some quality time together.

Grooming tips for long-haired dogs

Grooming your dog at home when it has long hair can be a little trickier than the above, but no less fun! As long-haired dogs need grooming more often it is a good idea to get your routine solidified when they are a puppy, so they are used to it. Start by running your fingers through the fur to get out any noticeable knots. Once this has been done, grab your Fine/Course Anti-Static Comb – ideal to get out any stubborn tangles. Brush in one direction, and then brush backwards to increase the removal of loose hairs. 

Fine/Course Anti - Static Comb

You can do this before and after giving your dog a bath too. Getting out the knots first, then giving them a good condition and repeating the process gives the best outcome for luscious locks. Try using our Fur Baby Shampoo, followed by the Silky Soft Conditioner. The perfect combo for grooming your long-haired dog at home.

Slickers Shampoo and Conditioner

Grooming tips for wire-haired dogs 

It should come as no surprise to dog owners that the coat of a wire-haired dog is the trickiest to maintain. Sometimes referred to as a ‘broken coat’, it feels like the name suggests. Rough, coarse and bristly to the touch. Traditionally used as hunting dogs, this speciality coat protected them from the brambles of the undergrowth. Nowadays dog breeds that have this coat are preferred by humans with allergies, as they do not shed their coat. This itself presents owners with a unique challenge when grooming at home.

Wire hair dogs need just as much attention, if not more, due to the need to remove dead hairs in a process called hand stripping. A time-consuming task but one that is important to keep your pooch comfortable, and to retain that waxy shine so common with a wire coat. This process needs to be done on a dry coat, so before you stick your furry friend in the tub, get your hands on this Professional Stripping Knife. For advice on how to hand strip, take a look at this guide for more information. Once the process is complete, why not give your dog a treat and freshen them up with a soapy Citrus Fresh Shampoo.

Professional Stripping Knife

Grooming tips for curly-haired dogs

Similar to a wire-haired dog, a curly-haired dog sheds much less. Keeping your home fur free, mostly. This is great news for those who don’t want too many hairs all over the house, however a strict grooming routine is still needed. The dead hairs need to go somewhere, and with all that curly hair they can get stuck and over time that can cause knotting. But no fear, there are myriad guides online to help you. As a top line, start by carefully brushing through the coat with a Professional Grooming Slicker Brush. Be careful not to brush from the head to toe like you normally would. Part your dog's hair at regular intervals to get right down to the skin. You may need to brush from tip to root if it’s long and knotted. Careful not to tug, as this may cause your dog distress.

Professional grooming brush

Once done, follow up with a rewarding bath using the Slickers Fur Baby Shampoo to give your dog that nice shiny finish. It is recommended that you bathe your dog every 4-6 weeks to keep them clean, as with longer hair it tends to pick up all sorts when out on adventures. You can also look into getting your dog’s coat sheared, just a little trim off the top to keep it from getting out of hand.

Grooming your dog at home is an enjoyable bonding experience for you both, so get stuck in with the above products and you’ll have a shiny, silky four-legged friend trotting around before you know it!

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